Labeling her the “new Queen of Comedy,” Lena Dunham graces the February 2013 cover of Vogue, doe eyed with a 60s pixie, in a mod polka-dotted top.
Photographed by famed photographer Annie Liebovitz, Lena appears in a series of photos, accompanied by her beloved pup lamby and on-screen love, Adam Driver. In one photo Adam is soaking in the tub and in another she’s on his shoulders, wearing fuzzy yellow slippers, strolling in Flatiron. In another shot she’s got a pigeon resting on her head, and of course in another, a classic Dunham photo by the subway.
It’s interesting to note that fellow non-stick thin TV persona Mindy Kaling is one of four women on the in Elle’s “Women of TV” issue. Zooey Deschanel, Allison Williams and Amy Poehler all have full bodied shots on the cover, while Mindy, like Lena in Vogue, both cover the magazine with their faces, only. Weird coincidence that both the “curvy” girls get a headshot and the thin girls are shown from head-to-toe? I’m not so sure.
In the Vogue piece, Lena’s trailblazing nature is compared to the talent of Bob Dylan:
“Since Girls launched in 2012, the 27-year-old Dunham has become to comic television roughly what Bob Dylan was to sixties folk: She’s not the first person to wield her form and her subject (middle-class postcollegiate life), but she does it with such unmatched skill, charisma, and vision that she’s now the genre’s uncontested master, the standard other people strive to reach.”
Lena talks about her very “private” existence: “I have a really great private existence, almost more like a memoirist or a columnist would, and less like an actor would,” she says. “Which I enjoy, because I can’t overstate how much I hate leaving the house.”
Lena’s also shed some lbs, and is now happily fitting into her mother’s wardrobe.
“I love clothes that have eccentricity and wit to them,” she says. She admires her mother’s designer wardrobe and sartorial freedom—an approach Dunham summarizes as ‘We’re artists! We can do what we want!’ My mother’s six inches taller than me and ten pounds lighter, but somehow I can wear her stuff,” Dunham says. “Now sometimes she borrows my clothes, which is very flattering. That did not used to happen.”
The profile goes inside Lena’s apartment and follows her on the set of Girls. Also of course, her relationship with Jack Antonoff is touched upon. It’s a profile not to be missed!
- See more at: http://www.jewcy.com/arts-and-culture/lena-dunham-and-lamby-do-vogue#sthash.H6rRJnsG.dpuf