Recently, while shooting for a rain sequence in Hyderabad for Bobby Jasoos, Vidya Balan fell ill. But the professional actress that she is, Vidya continued shooting. It was the city’s nippy temperature and the artificial rains that affected her sinus and gave her a high fever. Sources say that Vidya was so unwell that it became difficult for her to even turn her neck. But there was not a word of complaint. We admire the dedication, Vidya.
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Vidya shoots with fever_The actress doesn't disrupt shooting inspite high fever
Recently, while shooting for a rain sequence in Hyderabad for Bobby Jasoos, Vidya Balan fell ill. But the professional actress that she is, Vidya continued shooting. It was the city’s nippy temperature and the artificial rains that affected her sinus and gave her a high fever. Sources say that Vidya was so unwell that it became difficult for her to even turn her neck. But there was not a word of complaint. We admire the dedication, Vidya.